My Music

Like many othersof my generation I actually drifted into the hi-fi industry by accident. I was playing in bands by night and earning a crust by day, working with Dave Martin, of Martin Audio, designing sound systems for more successful and richer bands such as Pink Floyd, Genesis and Yes.
So this section is a bit of sheer indulgence on my part and in time it will reveal some of my musical interests and my past experiences in rock bands.
For my own amusement and pleasure I still play keyboards, mostly the Hammond organ, together with guitar and bass.
Amongst the bands I played in during the 1960s was "The Magic Mixture"; a band whose album is still available today on both CD and vinyl. More info HERE

Stan Curtis with drummer Byron Landham on the left and legendary Hammond organist Joey DeFrancesco on the right

Stan Curtis with his wife Angela, daughter Bethany and son Ben, a mean guitar player in his own right
A rare picture of Stan playing guitar in the studio in 1968 when recording the Magic Mixture album.
(More follows soon)