Stan on retailing and other subjects

For many years Stan wrote monthly columns in "Custom Installer" and "Inside Hi-Fi" magazines giving a tongue-in-cheek view of industry topics but usually underlaid with solid management advice. A few of these articles are shown below and can be downloaded as PDF files


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Stan on self-help management books and well run businesses

Stan on how conventional retailers can beat internet stores

Stan on some of the dangers for retailers moving into the custom install business

Stan on how to make the customer really want your product

Stan on the curious way the Flat-Screen Television business really operates

Stan on how turning your home over to a custom installation & automation is far from simple

Stan on how selling products is really quite straightforward provided that you use your brain

Stan on how the world is pretty much perfect for the end customer

Stan on retail trade and how to suceed

Stan on CinemaScope and curved projection screens
• Copyright 2008 - 2009
Stan Curtis the hi-fi guru - HiFi Choice - HiFi Critic - columnist - magazine articles -